Ep #1: Are You Ready for Change? Welcome to Feminist Wellness.
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde
Thank you for joining me for the very first episode of Feminist Wellness. I am excited to be here and excited to help you take back your health; not just to Band-Aid your symptoms, but to get at the root causes. The good news is I’ve been where you are and I know that transformative life healing change is possible… yes, my love, even for you.
Our minds, bodies, and spirits are inextricably linked and none of us can achieve our best health, wellness, or purpose in this world without all three being balanced. I know this to be true. And my purpose on this earth, and with this podcast, is to help you reclaim your power and restore your health by offering myself as your guide on this journey.
Maybe you’ve been to a whole bunch of doctors and specialists who either gave you a string of diagnoses that never got resolved, or maybe told you they couldn’t find anything wrong with you. Or maybe you’re just feeling stuck. You’re not sure who to trust and how to get the information you need. You feel stuck in frustration, resentment, powerlessness. If any of this resonated for you, keep listening; help is on the way.
What You’ll Learn:
- A little bit about me and why my approach to wellness is different than you might be used to.
- The two things I did that changed my life dramatically.
- The tenets of living a healthful life that I will be sharing with you on this podcast.
- How the socialization of women affects our health.
- How actualizing a feminist belief that I hold dear can affect your health.
- That I am equal parts science nerd and intuitive healer and why that matters.
- The secret to your health.
Listen to the full episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1-are-you-ready-for-change-welcome-to-feminist-wellness/id1454980022?i=1000430953070
You can find her online at VictoriaAlbina.com, http://instagram.com/victoriaalbinawellness, http://facebook.com/victoriaalbinawellness